You have an open invitation to join your neighbors for a social event at The Oaks. You might also want to volunteer your time on a committee or advisory group, join the Board of Directors, or explore the many other opportunities for residents to make every day in AIP better by getting involved. Every time you participate it makes a big difference.
Community Life’s mission is to facilitate recreational, educational, and social interactions that give AIPCA owners a sense of community. Community Life creates experiences that provide a means for community members to meet and engage with their fellow members.
The Oaks Community Center
Community Life organizes regular programming at The Oaks. Current regular monthly events include Live at The Oaks featuring food trucks and live music, bingo, trivia, and Thoughtful Thursdays presentations.
Joining a community club is a great way to learn a new pastime and make new friends. AIPCA hosts a variety of clubs at The Oaks that welcome new community members to join them for fun and socializing. These groups include yoga, mah-jongg, tai chi, duplicate bridge, mindfulness meditation, line dancing, and hand, knee & foot. There’s also a boules club that plays petanque at Drummond Point Park.
Are you interested in starting a new community club or group? Contact the Community Life Manager at (904) 491-9850 or to get started.
Community Life also organizes special events including outdoor concerts. There also are community parades and events for Fourth of July, Halloween, and Christmas. Information about events and programming is available at The Oaks, in the online Calendar and distributed in news emails.
Volunteers are always needed to assist with Community Life programming and events. Needs range from being a greeter, to passing out cookies at the Fall Festival, or handling holiday and seasonal decorations. Use the handy volunteer form on the member dashboard to let us know how you’d like to help your community and our volunteer coordinator will be in touch.
AIPCA always needs — and always benefits from — our members who give their time and talents to the community. Volunteers on committees and task forces help the Association accomplish its strategic goals.
The role of committees is strategic, helping the association fulfill its core governance duties and recommending policy changes. Committees typically meet monthly (except July). Current committees include Audit, Common Properties, Community Life, Community Standards, Environmental Resources, Finance, Governance, Human Resources, Nominating, Security, and Strategic Planning.
If you are interested in volunteering with a committee or advisory group, contact the Executive Director at (904) 491-9850 or
The Board of Directors is the governing body of the AIPCA. The Board consists of 11 members: nine elected members serving three-year terms and two appointed by the Omni Resort. Officers are chosen by the Board of Directors; officers do not have to be elected board members.
The Board meets at 9 am the third Friday of the month (excluding July) at The Oaks, 203 Sea Marsh. Meetings may be held online in response to health and safety advisories. Check the Calendar for the next meeting date. Agendas are posted at The Oaks and online.
Board meetings are broadcast live online via Zoom. Viewing information is included in the agenda and posted in the Calendar. You must have a free Zoom account and be logged into your account to participate online.
Joining the Board of Directors
Under AIPCA’s By-Laws, the Nominating Committee is annually responsible for nominating up to six candidates to fill three seats on the Board of Directors. Members in good standing may also self-nominate themselves as candidates.
Elections are held the third Friday in November.
If you are interested in pursuing election to the Board of Directors, contact the Executive Director at (904) 491-9850 or The Nominating Committee also welcomes recommendations from members of individuals who they believe would be excellent candidates for the Board of Directors.
Can’t make an AIPCA Board of Directors meeting, Town Hall, or Membership Meeting in person? The Association broadcasts these events live online via Zoom Webinar. Joining info is posted in the meeting agenda, in the online calendar, and included in news emails prior to the event.
You must have a personal Zoom account to participate online.
Videos of Board of Directors meetings, Town Halls, Membership Meetings and other events broadcast via Zoom are available on the AIPCA Video page at Vimeo.
Click on the video name to enlarge selected video.