Connect to Our App
To fully enjoy life in Amelia Island Plantation, download our app from the App Store and Google Play by searching for “Amelia Island Guide.” This app is designed to help residents and resort guests explore all that our community has to offer, as well as provide information about surrounding attractions and services.
Key features
Places of Interest is a list of great places to visit in Amelia Island Plantation. Tap on a POI for a picture, description and an Apple or Google map to the destination. To return to the main app screen, simply tap the upper left corner.
Trail Maps
Trails are recommended scenic walks or bike rides that will take you to the various POIs in AIP. These are the same trails that are outlined in the community map on display at Canopy Crossing, which is the starting point for all trails. The colored location drops tell you what Places of Interest may be found on each trail. Once you set off on a trail, a blue GPS location dot will let you know your current location in relation to the trail to help keep you on track.
Beach Access
Our app lists the places where all AIP residents and visitors may access the beach. Please note that not all beach access points include parking.
How was your experience “Navigating Paradise” with our app? Please use the Feedback icon on the second screen to send us your thoughts. Your input is extremely important, so we can improve the user experience in future versions.